Menstruatie berekenen
Menstruaties komen normaal gesproken eenmaal per maand (elke 28-30 dagen), maar voor veel vrouwen is het geen exacte wetenschap - het voorspellen van de precieze datum en lengte van je volgende menstruatie is soms lastig. Gebruik onderstaande calculator om jouw persoonlijke menstruatiekalender te berekenen.
Op welke datum was je had je de laatste dag van je ongesteldheid?
Eerste dag van je laatste menstruatie
Hoe veel dagen was je de laatste keer ongesteld?
Hoe veel dagen duurde je laatste menstruatie?
Na hoeveel dagen na je laatste dag van menstruatie wordt je normaal gesproken weer ongesteld?
Hoe veel dagen duurt je cyclus ongeveer?
De resultaten van onze menstruatietool zijn mogelijk niet 100% nauwkeurig en dat komt omdat elk lichaam en elke cyclus anders is.
Jouw cyclus
- dagen voor je menstruatie
- menstruatie
- dagen na je menstruatie
- ovulatiepiek
Dagen voor je menstruatie Tijdens deze dagen kun je PMS symptomen hebben zoals krampen, eetbuien of stemmingswisselingen
Menstruatie Wanneer je menstruatie begint en het bloeden begint
Dagen na je menstruatie De dagen na je menstruatie, maar wanneer je eventueel nog wel wat bruinige afscheiding hebt.
Ovulatiepiek Tijdens deze periode komt er een eicel vrij en kan je afscheiding veranderen.
De resultaten van onze menstruatietool zijn mogelijk niet 100% nauwkeurig en dat komt omdat elk lichaam en elke cyclus anders is.
So how does your cycle kick off? Well, it’s measured from the start of your period when you have regular bleeding (although you may notice some spotting before that). You might then be wondering where that blood has come from (and why there seems to be so much of it)?!
Your period happens because the womb lining is being shed; menstrual blood will come through your cervix and then your vaginal opening. This bleeding will usually happen for three to five days, and while you may think you’re losing pints of the stuff, the typical amount of blood in your menstrual flow is 30-40ml. For more info, look at our article on how much bleeding is normal.
After your period finishes, your body will begin prepping for ovulation again with your uterus lining (the endometrial lining) thickening to get ready for a fertilised egg. One of your ovaries will then release an egg which will come through one of your fallopian tubes down towards the womb. If it has met a sperm on its travels, then the egg will be fertilised and you can become pregnant. If that egg isn’t fertilised then the womb lining isn’t needed – it’s shed, and the whole process will begin again.
The average cycle is 28 days, but don’t worry if yours isn’t – it could be anything between 21 and 35 days, and it’s normal for this to vary a bit as well. Plenty of women have cycles that are slightly different in length from month to month. It’s likely that you’ll have a slightly longer cycle to begin with, but it will often become shorter as you get older.
If you’d like to know more about the different phases, then check out our article covering the ins and outs of the menstrual cycle.
It can be super handy to have a pretty firm idea of when your period will be coming your way. Your period should never stop you living your life, but if you’re worried about that big event or holiday then our tracker can help you plan ahead. You might even find that your cycle is more regular than you realise!
Doctors also use periods as an important indicator of a woman’s overall health and changes to it can be a symptom of some pretty key health issues. What’s important is to understand what is normal for you, so that you recognise when there are changes before discussing them with your GP.
And if you’re looking to have a baby? Well, our tool can give you a good estimate as to when you will be fertile so you have the best chance of getting pregnant.